Der 4. Weltweite Marsch des MMF endet mit der feministischen Karawane in Lisabon. Eine schweizerdelegation des MMF macht mit. Hier das Programm

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Final Event – Lisbon, Portugal | 15th to 17th october

15th october | Right to the City and Housing. Struggles and Alternatives. March and Opening Moment. [Amadora]

10h00 – March Right to the City and Housing
12h30 - 14h30: Lunch in Cova da Moura
14h30 – 19h: Women 's "Batuque" . Opening. Artistic interventions . Debate on housing rights and right to the city


16th October | Body, territory, with multiple feminist strategies Workshops, tertulias and debates. [Fábrica Braço de Prata]

09h30-12h30: Workshops and Ateliers (*)
12h30-14h30: Lunch break
14h30-18h30:Workshops and Ateliers (*)


17 de Outubro | Women and War. Women´s alternatives and resistances - The Feminist Caravan. Final Assembly. Demonstration and Final Concert. [Lisbon Center]

10h30 - 12h30: Women and Wars
12h30 - 14h30: Lunch
14h30 - 17h00: Women´s alternatives and resistances - The Feminist Caravan. Final Assembly.
17h00 - 19h00: Demonstration
22h00: Final closing Concert


(*) Workshops and Ateliers | 16th October:
Femmes migrantes en europe: quels droits? Par collectif 13 Droits des femmes | Femmes de Méditerranée entre violences et stratégies de liberté par Forum Femmes méditerranée | Workshop about women refugees | Feminist self defense workshop | Pleasure, Art and street intervention | Theatre of the Opressed | Right to the city and Housing Rights | Black feminisms | Abortion | Austerity and Poverty | Lesbian Women Rights | Food Sovereignity | Paid and non-paid work | Gender Violence sexual harrassmet